One donor's story: Bruce Day

  • Des Moines, IA
  • Organ
  • Living Donor: 2018

I am a full-time musician, the father of two beautiful daughters, a recovering alcoholic and a cat enthusiast.

FAMILY, friends and healthy living are important to me.

I donated my kidney to my oldest sister in need. I was not the first to volunteer, nor the second… but it turns out, after being tested, I was the best candidate. I am not sure when or even if the gravity of what all transpired sinks in. It’s kind of an indescribable experience.
I am happy to be able to report that the transplant up to this point has been a smashing success for all involved. I am still in awe that this is possible, have been amazed at the care of the phenomenal staff at HCMC, and I could not feel more fortunate that I was able to help my sister.

Bruce Day
