One donor's story: Tamara Halonen

  • Brooklyn Park, MN
  • Organ
  • Living Donor: 2023

I’ve been blessed with much in my life — a wonderful husband, beautiful children and grandchildren, family and lifelong friends surrounding me with love, encouragement and support. My days are filled with happiness and health. Not a day goes by without me being grateful for the gifts I’ve been given.

I always try to stay positive despite adversity. Having a good attitude about things is important, because your perspective is always within your control. I like to see the beauty in the ordinary, find joy wherever possible, and be the change I want to see in the world.

My friend Charlene was on dialysis for years, yet despite her health issues was always kind and generous with her time and attention. It was in her honor (and knowing what she went through on a daily basis) that I decided to become a kidney donor, knowing the impact it may have on someone’s life. “To whom much is given, much is required.” I was blessed with good health, and was grateful to have an opportunity to help another.

Tamara Halonen
