One donor's story: Dalton Sherrard
Dalton was the type of person that made time for people that others might not seem to notice.Generally a quiet person himself, he recognized that in others. He accepted people for who they were and through his friendship brought out the best in them. He had a sensitive, caring nature that became apparent in the strong bond he formed with his young nephew, Ethan. Dalton had a beautiful smile that could light up a room, with a witty sense of humor to match. He was a very good student and loved facts and trivia on many topics.
Spending vacation at the cabin with days full of fishing and evenings telling stories around the bonfire were what he loved most.
He had wonderful friends and a family that loves him. He thought becoming a big brother and then later on an uncle, was the greatest thing ever. Dalton was a gift to our family in so many ways. We want him to be remembered as a gift to others as well.
When Dalton got his driver’s license he had the conversation with me, his mom, about checking the donor box. I told him it was an important and personal decision. He said he thought everyone should; why not help someone if you can. I had no idea that a year later he would take his own life and I would be faced with honoring that important decision. It’s not the amount of time we are on this earth, but rather the legacy we leave behind. Dalton has given new life and hope to many, and the knowledge of his gifts is a comfort to his family.
Dalton Sherrard