One donor's story: Robert Alcure

  • St. Paul, MN
  • Tissue
  • Deceased Donor: 2023

If you knew Robert at all, you know he was an incredibly thoughtful and kind partner, father, and friend who always wanted to make sure everyone he was with was comfortable. As he would say, ‘I am my mother’s son.’ His mom Pat, and sisters Patricia and Julianne, taught him so well, and not a day went by where his loved ones weren’t reminded of that. Robert always wanted everyone he loved to be well fed, feel taken care of, seen, heard, and able to be themselves. He was a hilarious goofball with the most gentle, calming energy, that truly knew how to be his most genuine self and be present in every moment, which allowed others to do the same. His incredibly witty humor, his dimpled smile, and his laugh brought so much joy on the daily. Robert was born a true pisces in Brooklyn, New York on March 1st, 1985 and lived there until high school when he moved with his mother Pat, to Arizona. There in AZ, he met many of his lifelong friends and his son, Arlo’s, mother Tara, who eventually moved with him to her home state of Minnesota where they married and planted roots with their newborn son, Arlo, and three dogs in St. Paul. Although their marriage wasn’t permanent, Tara and Robert remained friends and have successfully co-parented ever since. In 2018, Robert met his partner Kaitlin (and her two cats) who has since joined the co-parenting team as Arlo’s ‘bonus mom.’ Robert loved his job with the local 322 carpenters union, watching sunrises with his ‘bros’ and building with his hands. In 2021 Robert made a career jump to carpentry, after 15 years in sales. Every workday he enjoyed early morning coffee runs, while at work he learned and used many woodworking skills ‘nobody could take from him’ and was able to refine and use his self-taught ability to speak what he so humbly referred to as ‘mostly fluent Spanish.’ After work each day, he had afternoon naps with his cat, or as he’d call him, his ‘familiar,’ Rambo, and always finished his days cooking dinner for his family, and many times his friends too. For a caring guy that loved to be helpful and just give, give, give, each day was filled with productivity, love, and time to care for himself and the people he loved. In his free time he loved woodworking in the garage, playing video games, illustrating, gardening, seeing live music, and cheering on Arlo at his baseball and hockey games. He is already so missed, but the world is fortunate to have his son, Arlo, to carry on so much of who he was.

His son, Arlo, his family and his friends were important to Robert.

Robert became a donor after the loss of his nephew Joseph DeNicola, who at the age of 7 years old passed, and at his passing gifted life to many. To see the life that carries on by his gifts, was a gift.

Robert Alcure
