One donor's story: Ricardo Corleone Michael Walker
It is with great pride that we, the family of Ricardo Walker, remember him and the blessings that he brought to our lives and the lives of others. Ricardo was born October 15, 1983 to the proud parents, Pamela Wright and Richard Walker. He was the third oldest of four children and his passion in life was his love for his family. His favorite affirmation was “Family OSO,” we are all we have. He enjoyed babysitting (he was the best free baby sitter you could ask for), skating, movies and spending time with his niece, nephews and younger cousins. He believed in the importance of finishing school and encouraged his younger cousins and sister to finish school. Ricardo was also a father, who’s daughter was just 3 months old when he was murdered, but he loved her dearly for those precious few months that they had together.
Ricardo enjoyed life and was always there for family and friends to cheer you up if you were down. He knew and lived life as the special gift that it is – with passion and conviction.
He believed in the importance of organ donation and let the family know of his wishes. I am grateful for the 23 years of cherished memories, and so proud of Ricardo, because he was so full of life and his organ donation has given the gift of life to so many others. Ricardo, we all miss you every day, but the gift you have given to others gives us comfort in knowing you are still being Rooster, and there are still many blessings in life. We love you and miss you always, and encourage others to be an organ donor, as it gives life and hope to others.
Ricardo Corleone Michael Walker