One donor's story: Lynda Jensen
Lynda was a very caring person who donated a lot of time outside of the house and her work. She volunteered as a fund raiser for people in need, as a member of the Howard Lake Historical Society, and at her church as the secretary. Lynda loved her flower garden and I certainly miss her hard work weeding it!! Those flowers looked nice with the attention she would give them.
It was important for Lynda to be involved in the community’s niche that was right for her. She used her talents as a news paper editor and photographer to help with the historical society, rod and gun club, camp fire club, shut-ins at church.
Lynda became a registered donor when she first received her driver’s license or was legally able to be a donor. It was interesting because not too long before her unexpected death we had talked about the donor program after I had noticed that it was still on her driver’s license. Lynda did not like to talk about death so the topic was not talked about much.
Lynda Jensen