One donor's story: Jean Williams
Jean was barely five feet tall; she was small, but mighty. She had no trouble keeping up with her five brothers growing up, whether it was on the hockey rink or in the woods deer hunting. She worked many years as a self-employed accountant. When Jean set her mind to something, she did it, and she did it well. She leaves behind beautiful stained glass creations and memories of her gardens, Christmas cookies, and decorated cakes. She could sew, she could knit and crochet, and she could fold a fitted sheet.
Jean loved her grandchildren and the Vikings. Even as her health declined, she would not hesitate to hop on a plane and fly to Oregon or Pennsylvania to see her grandkids. Throughout the illnesses that she faced, she stayed strong, meeting the challenges that came her way. Even in her final days, she was ready to keep fighting. She was tough like that. We would not have expected any less from her.
She was a registered donor and we were aware of that. It is nice to know that despite the fact that Jean was very sick when she passed away, she was still able to be an eye donor.
Jean Williams